Favorite cable brand.

Interested to hear opinions regarding brand favorites. My personal favorites, at the moment,  are Kimber and Goertz. Two very different sounds yet both quite enjoyable. What are your favorites?

Showing 1 response by duddley

After years of using Synergistic Research midlevel interconnects and power cords I auditioned the C2 and D2 level cables from Ansuz. Holy crap, what a difference. The power cords alone improved everything so much I was shocked. The interconnect just poured on more realism and dug deep, deep into the recordings. Yes, I am hearing things I never heard before in recordings I have been listening to for decades, and I have always had very good gear. I purchased the C2 level interconnects and power cords, and I couldn’t be more satisfied. Was the D2 level better? Yes, but a twice the price. The C’s seem to be the bang-for-the-buck sweet spot in the line. I am scheduled to audition the C level speaker cables in a few weeks. I’ll post my opinions on them then.

A word about price. Ansuz prices their stuff in the upper echelon, but do dismiss them out of hand for that. Actual dealer prices are way lower. In my case, less than half the marketed price. Final word, do not take my word, or anyone else’s, about the quality of these cables. Instead, contact a dealer for a loaner pair and hear them for yourself in your own system. I suggest staring with the power cord.