Favorite all-in-one remote control?

I'd like some opinions on the best all-in-one, learning remote controls out there. I don't even have all that many components, but I am sick of swimming in remote controls!! My gear is in a dedicated closet, so rf would be a plus (although I do have a set of powermids, so its not a deal-breaker). I've got 4 components to control (including a tv). Something of a reasonable size would be nice too, I'd like to avoid anything resembling a video game. Simplicity is a big plus, the less gadgety the better.
Thanks for your opinions, Jb3

Showing 1 response by reubent

Harmony SST-659. This is the best combination of effectiveness/cost/simplicity that I've ever encountered. I bought one for my father-in-law after reading the review posted by the founder/CEO of the eCoustics web site.


This thing is awesome, but does require a USB port and internet access on your computer to download the appropriate codes and micros. BTW, you don't have to program it. Just input the products you own on the Harmony web site and your remote gets downloaded apporpriately for your equipment/environment.

I highly recommend that you go to Harmony's web site and check it out. I'm ordering another one for myself. BTW, Harmony is EXCELLENT about adding support of new products. I have a fairly rare Resolution Audio Opus 21 CD player that uses proprietary IR codes. I asked to have the code loaded for the RA Opus and a week later it was on Harmony's list of downloadable code.

Lastly, I bought mine from an Authorized reseller at a substancial discount. Let me know if you would like the info for this dealer. I have zero relationship to Harmony or this dealer. I'm just a satisfied customer.
