fathom f113 vs. 2 velo. dd-10 s


I'm debating if I should go for 2 dd-10s or 1 jl fathom f113. I've never heard the dd-10 in person but have heard the f113 and it blew me away. My room is 20x20x9 and would mostly be used for HT but maybe 30% music. Any thoughts would be much appreciated.
I have 2 F112s (4 music) and 2 Paradigm Signature Servo Subwoofer (4 HT)I am not really impressed with the F112s. The paradigms IMO sounded and integrated better when I use them 4 music.
Heard the f113 compared to the Velo DD18...

I own two F113's. I don't think you could go wrong with these.
You guys are awesome, thank you so much! I think I'd go with just the single F113 rather than two F112 just because of budget. Hopefully, one f113 will give me the much need bass I desire.