Fast/Slow fuse?

I was looking for two kinds of fuses, one slow blow (10A, 250V) and one fast blow (4mA (?), 250V). Went to RadioShack and found that they had fast blow type fuse for 10A/250V and slow blow type for the other.
I just bought them anyway.
What would be the worst possible problem of using fast blow fuse instead of slow blow fuse, and vice versa?

Showing 3 responses by rodman99999

There's no difference in operation the of a fuse, between glass and ceramic. 10A 3AG(31.8mm X 6.4mm) fuses are made in glass, but they are not common. ie:(
Any REAL electronics supply house, in your area, should have the correct fuses for your equipment. Check your yellow Pages under, 'Electronic Equipment & Supplies'.
How about here: ( ( You have no actual electronics supply houses in your area? Yes- You can always go lower in amperage safely, but then the fuse may blow prematurely too.