Fast & open sounding amp with great imaging 2k

I have 92db 8Ohm single driver speakers and I want to get more micro dynamics, detail, an open soundstage, and solid imaging out of them. Looking for recommendations. Budget 2k (2nd hand gear only)

on my list:

clones audio 25i
job 225
Benchmark AHB2
Aaron XX
Mystere IA11
Unison simply italy

Showing 1 response by steuspeed

There is a classic pair of VTL TT-25 Tiny Triodes for 875 which is a great price. You could even re-tube with NOS tubes from Andy at VintageTubeServices and be near your 2K budget. Also there is a pair of Music Metre silver interconnects (retail 400) that will do what you are looking for at 198 and you get a pair of Signature coppers for free.

The Unison looks interesting.