Fast Amplifier

What exactly is meant by the term "a fast amplifier", have heard this term used by non technical people, including sales people.

Showing 2 responses by cornfedboy

a "fast" amp is one that has the ability to output "naturally" a quickly rising transient input from recorded sources like piano. while the "quickness" of an amp is affected by characteristics that include bandwidth, the "objective" measurement of "speed" is generally expressed by slew rate (theoretically, the higher the expressed value, the faster the amp). as with damn near everything in audio, tho, your ears are the ultimate measuring device. once you understand what "fast" means, you'll know it when you hear it.
trelja: my experience doesn't quite match yours. with relatively inefficient speakers (< 87 db), like those iv'e owned in different versions for the past 10 or 12 years, high power/current amps are required. when i listen to different amps by the same manufacturer, they tend to have better and better transient response (rise/decay) as the output/current increases. brands i've experienced this with include accuphase, boulder and jrdg.