Fascinated By GR Research Channel

Lately I've watched a number of the videos on GR Research's youtube channel and been very intrigued. If you aren't familiar with them, they design and sell some speakers, but most of their business is DIY speaker kits, and doing upgrades on customer's speakers. In the videos, they show how they measure the performance characteristics of speakers sent in and then explain the thought process and methodology of choosing improvements. 

If nothing else, anyone wanting to better understand the technical section of reviews (e.g. John Atkinson's in Stereophile), would likely learn something watching.

Another interesting aspect of these videos is the clear untangling of various manufacturers' choices in balancing cost for performance and the sonic impact of various compromises. 

Get your popcorn and check it out. 

I'm also curious to hear of your experiences with any of their kits or products and if your findings match their messaging. I've always understood that better parts quality will improve sonics, but this channel demonstrates exactly how with great clarity...fascinating! Cheers,



Snesvold, thank you, the xover is on my short list.  I did put Magna Risers under them, nice overall improvement.  My DWMs utilize Mye stands.  

Blk etc.  You made my point about politics right on the money.  Now about communism, have you ever been to Hong Kong, Viet Nam or any other commie country?  

I also go to Audio Science Review to read different points of view.  The moderator is very tough evaluator/measurements guy.  He will not recommend about 95 out of 100 products, his opinion.  

My experience with GR was really good. I built a pair of their speaker cables and am more than happy with the performance, the quality, and the support I got even before the purchase. I emailed Danny with some questions and he was quick to respond and easy to communicate with. I like his videos and will probably build a speaker kit one of these days. My 1.5 cents!

I find what he has to say really interesting. And not only does he "edit" speakers (fixing/improving someone else's design), he also designs speakers.

Every once in awhile I wonder if there's too much of a good thing when you tweak stuff (after over a decade of me modifying my cars). I'm totally a layman with speakers, but (for example) on the Klipsch 600 improvements...just listening through some headphones, I preferred the sound of the originals...which made me wonder if it's possible to have over damped the speaker with the extra sound insulation. Can too much insulation have "killed" the sound people enjoy hearing from Klipsch (for the record, I have never owned any of their speakers). I could totally be wrong since I wasn't able to hear either speaker live, but it was a thought. You can 100% overdamp a cars suspension...


I've know about Danny when he started in the business behind VMPS and Brian Cheney. :-) There were some heated debates behind Danny fixing "Some" manufactures speakers. VMPS sold kit and in those kit there were different qualities of parts. 

Danny fixes a center channel speaker and "POSTED" his repairs. Brian goes NUTS! Funniest thing I ever seen. I was at VMPS when the wars were going on a couple of times. Danny fixed the speaker all right, it weighed twice as much but it sounded wonderful. The fact was the kit had a few updates and actual factory recalls if you just asked. Danny was REAL young and didn't care for Brian's Build to the "EAR" design. Brian was a MR BASS. He was a wonder to talk to if you could get him to open up. 

I saw that guy build 12 point to point 4 way crossovers for STIIse 5 way speakers while I fixed his van. 3 hours.

He would install, an XO, spl the speakers, pull one XO add a tiny resistor or two and he was done. The speakers were matched. They were hooked up to a tone generator for 24 hour, face to face.

Brian went to heaven in 2012. VMPS closed down. BUT his products are still around doing quit well.

Danny has matured into the easy talking understand fellow he is for a reason. He is a good business man. But most of all he likes what he does, and he is honest.

Danny has a flavor too. FLAT as a pancake if he can get it there. He uses good but not over the top parts as he as learned too. HE passes that savings on to his customers. He is very reasonable and will offer options, like better caps, inductors, cables, binding post and cabinet bracing/NoRez ideas.

A lot of bang for the buck..

AV123s I tried to fix two pairs of those things. They had great sound effects in a gymnasium. I finally enclosed the planars and they improved by 1000% That was the worst OB design I ever worked with.. Even after Danny's XO reworks. They sucked less, BUT at least you could get them to work. Sure couldn't before he worked on them.

I want him to design an XO for me. One last speaker project for me. A stand mount small planar/ribbon/MB monitor. The perfect retirement speaker, throw it in the hole just before they dump me in. I'm gonna try to take it with me..:-)

GR has a fine staff too, his cabinet guy is a TOP notch guy to work with. Good communal support too. They love their Danny.. :-) Texas yeah howdy!