Fascinated By GR Research Channel

Lately I've watched a number of the videos on GR Research's youtube channel and been very intrigued. If you aren't familiar with them, they design and sell some speakers, but most of their business is DIY speaker kits, and doing upgrades on customer's speakers. In the videos, they show how they measure the performance characteristics of speakers sent in and then explain the thought process and methodology of choosing improvements. 

If nothing else, anyone wanting to better understand the technical section of reviews (e.g. John Atkinson's in Stereophile), would likely learn something watching.

Another interesting aspect of these videos is the clear untangling of various manufacturers' choices in balancing cost for performance and the sonic impact of various compromises. 

Get your popcorn and check it out. 

I'm also curious to hear of your experiences with any of their kits or products and if your findings match their messaging. I've always understood that better parts quality will improve sonics, but this channel demonstrates exactly how with great clarity...fascinating! Cheers,



Showing 4 responses by blkwrxwgn

Danny is talented, no doubt BUT like @astolfor is saying, he is trying to sell you on his kits or work.  

You hear a lot about his channel and what he says but I rarely hear feedback from people saying "he made my speakers so much better!"  Not saying they don't exist but I've never heard anything yet hear about his youtube channel all the time.

When he started putting down the design of the Harbeth is when I decided to unsubscribe. 

@dwmaggie the issue with Audio Circle is that it's the equivalent of a communist country.  The moderators will take any negative comments out because the companies that have "circles" pay for those in advertising.  So anything that is viewed negatively by the company they will have the moderators delete it. 

Felt that applied since you brought up politics. ;) 

But using that as an example of what kind of feedback you get there isn't really worth anything.

But I remember Danny being involved with av123/Mark Schifter back in the day too.

What’s up with all these comments about how he doesn’t push his products or services? That’s the whole point of his videos!!!!! I’ve got a bridge to sell a few of you ;)


”look at all the faults I can find with this speaker and here is what I would do to make it better” is the point to every video he does. It makes people think he can make any speaker better.  And obviously if he can find faults in some of the great speaker designs then it MUST mean his speakers are flawless……..

The best point to take from all of this is that you don’t just throw more expensive parts at a design, like others have said, it might make it sound different but it was designed to sound a certain way. You can change this but it doesn’t always mean it’s better in the end.

Have to bump this back up because everything that people said about Danny comes out in this arrogant, d&ckish video he posted.


Some of the video does make some sense BUT the arrogance that drives me crazy about the man comes shinning thru........it's quite creepy in a way of just how arrogant he gets in this video.