Fancy wall plugs?

I have read a few articles on high-grade power outlets, such as PS Audio. My question is do you need to spend money on PS Audio or can you get the same results with a high-grade outlet like a Hubbel or Leviton hospital grade. Also which is the best to use, 15amp wiring or 20 amp to the fuse box.

Showing 2 responses by david99

Didnt we just have a thread where come cryo'd and un-cryo'd outlets were passed around?
Some members sent them around A/Bing them and picked the best sounding as the un-cryo'd or could hear no difference between the two.
I use Hubbell and Leviton industrial grade.$10-$12/each.
You dont need hospital grade unless you are on 5 liters of 02 and sit right over the outlet.