False Advertising

Trying to find what the rules are on false advertising here. I recently purchased a preamp here and the ad stated it came with the power cable that connects to a battery and a remote for volume control which neither showed up when I received the item. I have tried sending messages to both the account of the seller and phone to which I have received no reply. The email of the seller that was listed after the transaction says it has been disabled.

I have since been able to put together a power cable which consists of using a powercon connector so I could at least see if the preamp works and it does. I really like the preamp but am pretty bummed that it did not come with a) the original power cable and more importantly b) the remote.

Is there any recourse for this? Could I get some money back via Paypal for falsely advertising that this unit would be coming with all the accessories that was listed in the ad?

Any thought?


Showing 1 response by folkfreak

First step is to open a dispute on the transaction via Audiogon -- there is a red button in the bottom right corner of the listing page -- use that and enter the details of the missing items. Generally if the seller is halfway decent he will give a partial refund via PayPal to maintain his/her good name. Entering into the full dispute resolution on PayPal will be more heavy handed -- and may lead to you needing to return the pre for a full refund -- so if you think you want to keep it, and at the end of the day can live with what it cost, then you may want to think before you go down that route