Fake CD?

I have a deutsche grammophon cd Schumann Symphonies 4530492 that the sleeve says made in USA but there is a stamp on the jacket that says “disc made in Mexico”

I always thought DG was top quality

Is it a fake?

Is “original image bit processing inferior quality”?

OK, @jafant  is correct. DG has 
subsidiaries in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Europe.
No worries. (Except for that 1980s raw DG sound).

Are you are referring to the Bernstein/Schumann set?  Mine was released in 1985 and is original, not a remaster. It states Made in USA on the disk.
The jewel case has the DG logo but says manufactured by Polygram (the parent company).

Original Image Bit Processing was DG's technology used to noise shape 16-bit digital transfers.
I can't say if it was an inferior method, but DG was way behind other labels in SQ of early digital. Other labels such as Philips perfected digital technology much earlier than DG. 

I own many, many Cds made in Mexico. To my ears, not an inferior product.I noticed this trend starting about 10 years ago.  I suspect that there is a small pressing plant in Mexico City.