Fair price for used Vandersteen 3a Signatures

Curius if anyone has an opinion on what a pair of excellent condition Vandersteen 3a Signatures should run? The 3a Signatures have had some price hikes over th years while retaining the same branding/labeling.   Different from the model 2's which seem to have a branding update to signify component upgrades and pricing increases.



Showing 1 response by nymarty

Vandersteen started making 3a Sigs 20 years ago.  I have a 19 year old pair that I bought for 1200 used last year.  They are in very good condition and work perfectly.  Even though they look the same as new ones, Vandersteen continues to make improvements so there might be something different between new ones, 10 year olds, and my 19 year old version.  So I would expect to pay more for the one you’re looking to buy — maybe $2.5K to $3K. One thing I’d recommend is that you need at least a medium size room for the 3a Sigs.  They produce a bigger sound with more bass than 2ce, so getting the right speaker for the room is important.   They are excellent speakers. Good luck.