Fair price for used Vandersteen 3a Signatures

Curius if anyone has an opinion on what a pair of excellent condition Vandersteen 3a Signatures should run? The 3a Signatures have had some price hikes over th years while retaining the same branding/labeling.   Different from the model 2's which seem to have a branding update to signify component upgrades and pricing increases.



Showing 2 responses by mustangjeff

Thank you Kota1.

I'm trying to decide between a new pair of 2CE Signature III's and a 10-year-old pair of well taken care of 3A signatures.  Looking through the listing it seems the 3a signature sold market ranges from $1800 - $3000 depending on age.

I used to have a pair of 2Ce Signature's so I'm familiar with the sound.

Thank you for the advice on room size, positioning, and placement.  I did some research last night and think I'm going to hold off for now.  I used to have a pair of 2Ce signatures that were lost in a divorce settlement.  Here is a bit of advice.  Get your significant other to accept your hobby, not join in on it 😃

My current home probably isn't a good fit for Vandersteen's.   I have an older pair of Paradigm Studio 100 V2 that I use in the living room.  I'll probably stay with those for now until I get a new place.  I also have a pair of Triangle Celius 202's I could try, but I would need to augment them with a subwoofer.  I like my low end which is how I was justifying picking up a pair of 3a's.  (why spend $2K on a sub when I can just get a full range speaker that does the job).