Faint buzz in speakers

There is a very faint buzz coming from speakers with amp on, but with no music stream playing. Can only be heard with ear right up to drivers. No buzz with amp off or muted. Decent amp & cabling. Is this faint buzz likely still there under music when it’s playing? Numerous noise reduction devices deployed including dedicated circuit, robust grounding, balanced power transformer, various filters. Thoughts?


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Before tackling the audio interconnects, disconnect any video or ethernet devices. An RCA out to a TV that has a satellite cable in or an HDMI from another device plugged in elsewhere can be the problem. The additional shielding on “better” ethernet cables, like CAT-7 instead of CAT-6, can also be the problem. Ethernet is itself by design fine. But the shielding on a cable can be the problem...

Re: bug zapper comment above... yes, keep it off the house ethernet ;-)