Fading Display on NAD M3

Hello Everyone
I just noticed that display on my NAD M3 is fading in upper
left and lover right corner. Also letters BALANCE; TONE DEFEAT; SPEAKERS A; BI AMP 40,60,80,100Hz are almost
unreadable. Has anyone encountered similar problem. Is that
just the display or something else.
I would really appreciate any opinions about this problem.
Thanks in advance.

Showing 1 response by thelimbic

Hello Everyone,

I just found this thread. I am actually having the same problem. My M3 display is not as bright and hard to read. I noticed that someone mentioned that it was a software fix. Can this be done buy the consumer or do you have to take it in to NAD? If it can be done at home where would the software be and how do I go about fixing it?

Any help regarding this issue would be greatly appreciated.