Fading Display on NAD M3

Hello Everyone
I just noticed that display on my NAD M3 is fading in upper
left and lover right corner. Also letters BALANCE; TONE DEFEAT; SPEAKERS A; BI AMP 40,60,80,100Hz are almost
unreadable. Has anyone encountered similar problem. Is that
just the display or something else.
I would really appreciate any opinions about this problem.
Thanks in advance.

Showing 1 response by nico_ste

Hi M3 lovers, 

I just got a defective M3 yesterday. Among all issues, there is the screen issue! Could anyone provide me with a relevant firmware and instructions to solve this issue please? 

I also got a "protected mode" issue yesterday when listening to the amp. After 1 hour of listening, the left channel didn't work anymore and I got the "protected mode" screen ... also got a non working volume potentiometer ... well there are some work to do to get it fine and if you encountered these kind of issues, your advices are welcome!


