Fading Display on NAD M3

Hello Everyone
I just noticed that display on my NAD M3 is fading in upper
left and lover right corner. Also letters BALANCE; TONE DEFEAT; SPEAKERS A; BI AMP 40,60,80,100Hz are almost
unreadable. Has anyone encountered similar problem. Is that
just the display or something else.
I would really appreciate any opinions about this problem.
Thanks in advance.

Showing 2 responses by kiza

Thank You much for respond.
The problem is that I recently purchased an Amplifier here
on Audiogon and seller and I trying to resolve the problem.
I really don't know, should I return the Amplifier or to try
to fix it. The new display itself is $210.00 plus $100.00
labor fee. If is the power supply problem it would be even
more expensive. I also contacted NAD and I am awaiting answer
from them.
I've got the answer from NAD. Problem with the display is
actually problem with the software that NAD is using in M3.