extra links in the supply chain and do they affect performance?

I'm thinking of getting some right-angled connectors for the RCA outputs on my DAC.

I don't like the kink in the cables right at the DAC, so it sits off-centre on my rack which annoys me.
Can anyone recommend a good brand or have an opinion on whether adding them to the mix would be detrimental to the sound quality?
thanks all

Showing 2 responses by lowrider57

The AudioQuest 90 Degree RCA male to RCA female adapter was recommended to me by iFi for use with their reclocker to DAC input. The adaptor can be rotated to help position the hanging ICs.

Very tight connections and solid build quality. I could use a couple more for cable management.

AudioQuest 90 Degree RCA are gold plated, as are some of the better RCA connectors.