External hard drive for expanding iTunes library?

My hard drive is nearly full and I need to get an external HD for my rapidly expanding music library. I use iTunes and stream the music to my Airport Express to my Marantz SR-7200's DAC . Using a bel-canto eVo 6 and Gallo Ref 3's makes good music to me. All my music files are Aiff(uncompressed) and currently use 106GB. I've read good reviews online about the G-DRIVE 500GB External Hard Drive but I'm curious if any other Audiogoners have used it or could recommend other large,quiet and reliable external hard drives. My computer is an iMac G-5.
Thanks for any help.

Showing 1 response by metralla

01-05-07: Mondonitro
Edsilva my post on The g drive is in regards to reliability not speed. Some drives after awhile can develope problems with recognition and corrupting data. I perfer the best drives for archiving and that seems to be the G drives.
I imagine the popularity of the Mac for the pro photo world you work in influences those users when it comes to choosing an external drive. The G-DRIVE has the same design cues as a G5 Mac and is pre-formatted as Apple's HFS, so it's plug and play for the Mac crowd. Ergo - popular.

Best - who knows what is the "best"?

Inside the G-DRIVE (assembled by G-Tech, an offshoot of Medéa Corporation, acquired by Avid on Jan 12, 2006) are Hitachi 7200 rpm drives. If you think these are the most reliable hard drives around, good luck to you.
