External Drive Help

Hi All,

I had a surprise yesterday when my external drive - a Western Digital 1TB My Passport suddenly refused to recognise certain of my music folders (high-res and DSD downloads). I also received an error message - cyclic redundance check. Fortunately after running tools and check disk, the drive started working again and I re-imported the missing music files in JRiver.

This external drive is connected to my Baetis Server and plays music (mainly CDs ripped to FLAC using DB Poweramp) through the JRiver software. However, I am also starting to download more music over the web and this issue got me thinking as to how I might improve my back up system as these downloads have no physical media back up like a CD.

Currently as per Baetis` recommendations, I rip music to a separate external drive on my laptop using DB Poweramp or I download directly from websites like HD Tracks - in each case this music is transferred to My Passport External Drive. In addition, every time I download new music I manually copy across these files to a Seagate 4TB back-up hard drive.

Do you think I could be doing anything better in terms of handling files? I suspect it becomes a matter of how much redundancy I am prepared to pay for but interested to hear from people with more experience. It would also be great to be able to configure the Seagate back-up drive to copy certain files automatically from the My Passport drive but not sure this is possible.

Thanks in advance


Showing 2 responses by rlwainwright

Al made a VERY good point about "cloud" backup - it is abysmally slow for large data transfers. This is not an issue if you simply need to restore a few files or a small folder. But once you start looking at multi-GB restores, cloud backups are, IMHO, just about worthless...

Thanks for the headsup on CrashPlan, Sufentanil! This looks like a good piece of software and the fact that using it for local backups is free is very appealing.

I doubt I will take advantage of their cloud backup service because I do not wish to incur the cost and I have plenty of local storage to suit my needs.

I have just downloaded and installed it, will be testing it over the next few days to see if it's a keeper...

Best Wishes,
