Exposure 2010Sv NAD 375BEE Worth comparing??

I ( and others) have been surprised or stunned by the Exposure 2010S as it has been better musicaly in my systenm then anything I have put against includiong integrateds going for 2x its price. I am wondering about the NAD 375BEE as it has a headphone jack . Is this worth comparing?? Does anyone have any experience with these two? Thanks,keith

Showing 1 response by karelfd

I admit I have no direct comparison whether NAD could have tackled the challenge with comparable aplomb, but I heard the Exposure 2010S integrated with the cdp of the same series driving none less than the 10x more expensive Acapella 5th Avenue II speakers (88db/4Ohm) and it was impressive in every respect: rhythmic and gloriously singing yet refined and emotional. Even if the NAD were as good (and that is no easy feat), I believe it also costs a few hundred $ more. Given that headphone jacks mostly perform quite poorly in this class of gear, I decidedly second the idea of spending that money on a good headphones amp.