NAD amps are good (I've owned a string of them) but not worth buying for the sake of the headphone jack. It's a convenience feature, but it's just not that good on the C372, and I'd imagine the C375 is about the same. I've used it with the AKG K501 (it was OK for these) and the Sennheiser HD600 (pretty poor for these).
Exposure 2010Sv NAD 375BEE Worth comparing??
I ( and others) have been surprised or stunned by the Exposure 2010S as it has been better musicaly in my systenm then anything I have put against includiong integrateds going for 2x its price. I am wondering about the NAD 375BEE as it has a headphone jack . Is this worth comparing?? Does anyone have any experience with these two? Thanks,keith