Experiencing speaker imbalance, while amp headphone output is fine. Any ideas?

Hi all. Purchased a brand new Audio Research i/50 integrated amp a few weeks ago. Sounded fantastic straight out of the box. Left town for a week, came back and the left channel is now sounding substantially louder than the right. I have Vandersteen VLR CT’s paired with it.

The amp also has a built-in headphone amp. I’ve checked that, and the L/R balance is perfect.

Does anyone have a clue here what could be happening?

Thanks so much for everyone’s time.


Showing 3 responses by oldhvymec

Ask your partner if they been messing with you FIRST. I get out the pepper spray and wave it all around.

Unplug your headphones all the way.. 

Check all your controls

Check all your connection. That all takes 5 minutes. Unplug and then plug ALL the way back in.

New gear 101, check everything 10 times. Then again the next day 10 more times. LOL

OP did you keep the old tubes? Usually 24-48 hours after they have been moved or shipped. That is usually the deal. So they get burned in and then they are shipped and placed in service. Usually after 48 hours they are ready for normal service. Shipping and moving is a valve killer..

Take a pencil and tap the tubes with the volume down.. You might be surprised.

R&R the new one with an old one UNTILL you  get the new valve. Or XChange the set.. 5 minutes I'm up and running with my amps. Mac, Cary, VTL, DIY


Well I keep a fire extinguisher for me, the wife gets the water. I like to get even every now and then when she is getting shocked pretty good, I just want to ADD a little extra so to speak.. I keep a board handy to, at least that's what I tell her..

I use to get her to lick her finger and thumb and hold the lawn mower spark plug wire. I told her a lawn mower wouldn't start if you didn't do that. 

She figure it out, now you know why I carry pepper spray in the house. It still slows her down enough for me to get to the next bottle of pepper spray, after a couple and a Thorazine dart she'll calm down. She is a feisty one since (sence) I tried to blowing her up looking in the oven I left on for 5 minutes.  I gave her a lighter to look with.. 

She was a looker, not bad once her hair grew back.. Well most of it did on one side.. :-)

She is a good sport when she's asleep. My dog like her.. So does the rabbit.