Experiencing speaker imbalance, while amp headphone output is fine. Any ideas?

Hi all. Purchased a brand new Audio Research i/50 integrated amp a few weeks ago. Sounded fantastic straight out of the box. Left town for a week, came back and the left channel is now sounding substantially louder than the right. I have Vandersteen VLR CT’s paired with it.

The amp also has a built-in headphone amp. I’ve checked that, and the L/R balance is perfect.

Does anyone have a clue here what could be happening?

Thanks so much for everyone’s time.


Showing 3 responses by jjss49

might be room acoustics... is the room and speaker placement and reflective surfaces symmetrical?

or else it may be the amp... try swapping tubes in one channel to the other, one at a time, see if the imbalance shifts

tighten, redo all wiring/connections

even well tested tubes, shipped, handled, packed/unpacked, can sometimes suffer from a version of infant mortality

op - wish you good luck, arc should and will take care of you


glad you figured it out

did you take @oldhvymec ’s advice and get pepper spray too? he also keeps a fire extinguisher handy next to his listening chair too, as i understand it

great mechanics are always prepared... 😂👍