Experiences with SlimDevices Squeezebox.

I've been using this to stream AIFF and WAV files into my 2 channel system with excellent results. Is anybody else using one of these?

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Here is a link to various DAR's (digital audio receivers) on the market:

I have fooled around with different ones over the years and found very few satisfactory. For some unknown reason few have digital outs (duh!!) and even few support lossless formats other than WAV.
I bought a SLIMP3 (previous version of the squeezebox) but ultimitley exchanged it for an Audiotron; the resaons are many, esoteric and probably irrelevant, although in the end i just found the audiotron more reliable. I also hated what the SLIMP3 looked like, ecspecially next to my other gear. I even went as far to to fashion a custom case for it (major dork) http://www.geekmods.com/neilslimp3/case.htm
The squeeze box looks like a vast improvement over it's predessors. However I personally think that the Audio DAR is a dead end, rather spend your money on a custom HTPC (proabably put one together for around $1400) have video capability as well, support for endless format, the DAC that you want and a cast the is outright gorgeous.....
this is my next project http://www.ahanix.com/dvine5.html