Experiences with ModWright Sony 999ES


I'm in the market for a new CD/SACD player. A short
list of my top contenders are the following

Musical Fidelity Tri-Vista SACD
Wadia 302
Audio Aero Prima
McCormack UDP1
Krell SACD Standard(Not really sure about this one though)

On a recommendation I got from my previous post I called
Frank Stuppel at fsaudio.com. Franks a nice guy and was
extremely helpful with his opinions and suggestion. One
option he said I should consider is the ModWright Signature
Truth Sony 999ES for about $2700.

After doing a little research here and on AudioAsylum it seems that Dan Wright and Richard Kern really do some impressive work. I do admitt to being a little more that
curious now. I was hoping to get some feedback from anyone
who has a Modwright Sony. Have you had any reliablity issues? Do you feel that the ModWright Sony is in the
same league sonically as my other contenders? I would
certainly appreciate your experiences and advice.


Showing 1 response by mike

I was forced due to medical bills to sell my Linn sondk CD12 player. I longed to own that player for over 3 years since I first heard it in my system one evening. Last year I had the opportunity to buy one and it was everything I had hope for.
Well, while searching of what I thought would be a "poor" substitute for my Linn, a friend lent me his Modwright Sony DVP NS999es with all the mods (except the latest clock mod), and I was simply blown away. This player kept me up night after night listening to CD after CD, not to mention SACD's which my beloved Linn didn'ty play.
I immeidately found a unit for sale on AudioGon and have sent it to Modwright to have all the mods done. I have owned the dcs Elgar, Spectral 2000/3000 combo, Ayre CX7, and Lindd CD12 and I do not hesitate to state that what i am experiencing right now through my friends Modwright/Sony 999es (he isn't getting back unitl my shows up!) is as muscially enjoyable as I can remember. Is it the most accurate? What is accurate? All I know is that after 30+ years for following the Wholly Grail of audio, I've come to the conclusion that one should pay attention to often his toe is tapping!