Experienced only: What have you done with room correction?

I like to sometimes ask questions just to learn how others have experienced a technology and this is one of those times.

I’m genuinely curious about who has applied automatic room correction, and what your experience was? Did it turn your Monitor Audios into Martin Logans? Your Martin Logans into Wilsons? 😀

Good and bad, but experienced only please!

For the record, I use it for HT now and I’m meh. I had much better luck with manually (with tools) adjusting my miniDSP.  Also, I'm absolutely not looking to buy anything, I just want to read about your experiences because it is fun.


Showing 1 response by fgm4275

I have used Audessey XT32, YPAO, MCACC, and Dirac. IME, Dirac is probably the best of the bunch.

There are two room correction programs, Audiolense and Acourate, that I have used for 2 channel music and they are next level. Mitch Barnett has written several articles on both of these programs on Audiophilestyle.com. Mitch is the proprietor of Accurate Sound and offers DSP room correction service for those that don’t want to spend the time learning the programs. He is extremely knowledgeable and patient. These programs reside on your laptop. One measures their listening room with a calibrated mic and develops convolution filters that are loaded into ROON or JRiver. The improvement is not subtle. Highly recommended.