Experienced only: What have you done with room correction?

I like to sometimes ask questions just to learn how others have experienced a technology and this is one of those times.

I’m genuinely curious about who has applied automatic room correction, and what your experience was? Did it turn your Monitor Audios into Martin Logans? Your Martin Logans into Wilsons? 😀

Good and bad, but experienced only please!

For the record, I use it for HT now and I’m meh. I had much better luck with manually (with tools) adjusting my miniDSP.  Also, I'm absolutely not looking to buy anything, I just want to read about your experiences because it is fun.


Showing 1 response by asctim

I've used bass correction in situations where it's just a joke without it. Sometimes we don't get to move the speakers where we want. In at least some of those cases judicious use of room correction can make the listening experience dramatically more enjoyable. In the lower bass time domain issues aren't as big a deal to human hearing. My experience lines up with research I've seen on the subject. If the severe peaks and dips can be reduced with dsp it sounds better than not doing it even if it doesn't address some of the time domain issues. Above 100 Hz things change and time domain becomes very important. Thankfully, absorption becomes increasingly efficient and less costly as frequency goes up.