Experience with Tannoy Westminster Royal Gold Reference

I own these great looking speakers for a few months, and i am looking for views on its sound quality and people who have long experienced these speakers with different amps, electronics, and rooms, etc..
Based on my short experience, it seems that they are very easy on power quantity as being very efficient speakers, but require absolute quality watts to sound their best.
It feels as if they have infinite potential for sound quality and power, as long as you have what it takes to feed them, so how far can i, should i go with these in terms of associated equipment?
I hope that experienced audiophiles out there can help me realize the full potential on these beauties.
I am sure that you will be very happy with the Gryphon. I would suggest you try speaker cables by Dueland, not very expensive but very high quality. 16 gauge oil soaked cotton sheathing...  I own Canterbury SE's and have mine on order after hearing them on a friend's large Tannoys and 
high quality amplification. I am getting mine from Parts Connexion in Ontario, Canada. Googling these will yield some other Tannoy users that 
like them very much!

Have the Duelund cables on my Westminster as well, just outstanding sound with mine. Highly recommend 
thanks for the latest posts. Interested with the Duelund interconnects as well. One can order with distributors or email direct to Duelund, all info available on Duelund website.
Hi to all those who contributed to this post, and to everyone else interested.

I promised to update on the system once finalized. Gryphon Mephisto Solo have been purchased, all components have run-in well, even if with hi-end it can improve over a year or more sometimes. The Mephisto Solo do just great, even if some other amps out there could have done better, but who can try them all !? Powerwise, they do not scare the Westminster at all, which play very well low and loud alike. Those Gryphon are just totally straight amps, no bull, no flaws, no musical preference, no lack of nothing, whether it be power, resolution, balance of tones, timbre quality or dynamics. They are just very slightly on the warm side, as i like it. On a scale from dry/sterile to very warm/creamy sound of -10 to +10, I would give them a 1 or a 2.

The sound is as perfect as i have ever been able to hear so far in my life. Cannot really describe, but just say that it sounds complete and glorious, with real moments of emotions, tears and breathlessness. The instruments vibrate so naturally each in their own acoustic nature and space and altogether at the same time, you are fully taken up in the musical scene.

Everyone visiting me lately, friends, family and mostly audiophiles, have had more or less the same comments: "it's not just music, it's an experience" or "I kept wondering and asking myself what I had just heard after getting back home, and couldn't listen to my own system for a few days before my ears got accustomed to it again". 

I must say that I am quite proud and satisfied, and yet there is improvement to be made at a later stage for the room and main power line, which are really not up to the system.

It has been over a year since I started this audio system, the journey has been very interesting, and fortunately fulfilling as well, so i am grateful since i know how much our audio mania can be disappointing sometimes.

The complete system will soon be uploaded on the "virtual system" as requested by some of you.