Hello, beernut. I have the RA 1060 and the RCD1072. The reviews recommended Quad 211l/ 22l. There is a post states Quad 22l is too bright and edgy. I am looking for a speaker to tame the harsh/ bright high of my Rotel Ra1060 and rcd1072. I am considered the Quad 22l but know I am confused. I live in a big city of TX but there not too many real Hi-end dealers too audition for speakers. What's your take on the Quad 22l?
Experience with Rotel RA 1062 integrated...
Hi, I am considering buying the Rotel 1062 integrated to mate with my RCD 1072. What are your impresssions of this amp? I will be driving Quad 22L's soon to arrive. This system is recommended by TAS. I currently use a McIntosh MA 6500 but I'm thinking move the Mc buy the Rotal and pocket some $$. Toughts?