Experience With Linear Tracking Turntables

Ever since the advent of the Bang & Olufson linear tracking turntables of the 70's & 80's I have always wondered about their sound, function and longevity.  If you own a linear tracking turntable, I would appreciate your thoughts compared to standard pivot tonearm turntables.

Was looking at the Bergmann Magne Turntable & Tonearm "system".

Would appreciate some first hand experiences.  Do these turntables and associated tonearms function without many issues?  Does the arm track without friction?  And so on.

Your experiences would be appreciated.

Thanks and Happy Listening.

Showing 2 responses by mijostyn

Hi, The Bergmann Galder is a very well put together unit. It has vacuum clamping a big plus and uses an air cushion thrust system like the TechDas turntables, also a plus. Unlike the TechDas tables it does not have an adequate isolating suspension. It has a DC motor. I personally prefer AC 3 phase motors and suspended tables. Air bearing arms are virtually frictionless and it is very spooky how they slide along. Unfortunately (here he goes again) they have a very high horizontal effective mass which in my opinion and the opinion of my oscilloscope causes havoc with every cartridge I have seen in such an arm. Air bearing arms are very sensitive to level. They have to be just right or they will favor one direction over the other. If you get the Galder I would put a pivoted arm on it. If you want a tangential tracker by all means get a Schroder LT or if you have money to spare a Reed 5T. Both arms are superior in design to the Bergmann arm and would look very sharp on that turntable. For this kind of money I think your should look at the Dohmann Helix. It has possibly the best suspension of any turntable available today, a great drive system and will soon have vacuum clamping.

@lohanimal , you have to be very careful about things making "sense." Just because they make sense does not mean they are right. The whole climate hoax is a perfect example. The best thing to do is delineate the proven facts and go from there. You can also look at what the "experts" prefer but in many instances they are being paid to prefer whatever. That is where us plain folks who never get paid for anything come in. I can use and buy any tonearm currently on the market. I could spend $100,000 on a tonearm if that particular arm blew everything else away. I just spent that much on a RAM TRX because Ford pissed me off. They wanted to charge me a $25,000 market adjustment on an FN pickup truck. You will never catch me even looking at an airbearing tangential tracker for all the reasons I have previously elucidated. Mass is mass. Compliance is compliance. The two interact in very specific ways. These are irrefutable facts. People who argue otherwise are just like those who think they can change their sex. There are XX's and there are XY's. You can't change sex, you can only corrupt it. The doctors who take peoples money promising they can are evil bastards. I just had one such person commit suicide. Please pardon me for venting. I guess it is a fragile moment.