experience with First Sound Paramount mkII

I'm currently using an Accuphase DP 78 player, deHavilland Mercury 2 pre and deHavilland GM 70 amps. Speakers are Nola Viper References. Am considering purchase of First Sound Paramount mkII preamp as I feel the Mercury is relatively weak at the extremes. CJ ACT2 is also under consideration. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Showing 1 response by calloway

...you will not be disappointed..it is ..by far..the best preamp i have ever had....i will be upgrading my mk II to the 'special edition' version in a month or two...the highs are superb as is every other aspect of the preamp...the ability to upgrade to the next version is also a decided plus ..in addition..mr. go is one of the nicest gentleman in audio business....hope this helps