Experience/thoughts on new Music Hall Classic Turntable?

Just noticed that Music Hall has a new turntable, the "Classic".  

I like the fact that it is a semi-automatic, so one doesn't have to race over to pick up the stylus at the end of the side.

Does anyone have thoughts on this one?

Updated:  Just had a closer look at it and saw the "Made in China" label on the back. I'm sure Mr. Hall had good reason for sending production over there (i.e. lower cost), but I'll spend my money elsewhere.  Same reason I wouldn't consider the Audio Technica line, was looking closely at the LP-5/7, but alas, same label on the back.

I'll post a new thread with final requirements, appreciate any comments.

Why are you basing your purchase on where it's made?The majority of products you consume(like it or not)  ARE "Made in China"

Meaningless. You're in the wrong hobby, if you want you stay "China free"


but I’m “China free” with speakers, integrated amps, turntable and DAC. Not that hard to do really.