Expensive interconnects

I recently had an interesting experience regarding interconnects. My system consists of a Sony SCD 777 ES, Tandberg 3018A preamp, two Tandberg 3009A monoblocks( 180 watts each) and a Rega P25 with Micro Benz Ace moving coil cartridge. I run all the equipment through a couple of Richard Gray conditioners (400S MK 2's) I have Nordost Red Dawn interconnects between the preamp and the amps, and also between the speakers(Boston Acoustic's A200's) and the amps. However when I tried the Red Dawn interconnects between the Sony SCD 777 ES I did not like the results as much as I did with the Kimber Hero interconnects between the Sony and the preamp. I really like the Sony SCD 777 ES and the sound for me in both cd and sacd is fantastic once the machine is broken in. I figure the Kimber Hero's give the sound more body and compliment the sound of the Sony more than the Nordost cable. It could be that the ultra detailed Nordost combined with the ultra transparent detailed Sony are just too much. The lesson to be learned is to strive for synergy, and that does not come from just spending more on various equipment. It comes from putting together the right components, including interconnects. The Kimber Hero's are indeed giant killer's.


Showing 2 responses by warrenh

The drink, though the same, may taste quite different, depending where you drink it, and in what you drink it. Go figure....
I know the ICs I use (Harmonix Golden Performance) were a significant step up from my Cardas GR ICs, which were, at the time, a significant step up from my Lat Intertnational. The Harmonix, though pricey, (bought new-very hard, next to impossible to find used) are quite amazing. They are tuned, gorgeous, state of the art in construction and sonicaly what I've been looking for in an IC. The Harmonix GP is a GIANT... peace, warren
How did you come to the conclusion that the Kimber Heros were "giant killers?" Where are the "giants" you listened to? Don't see a giant anywhere. You don't mean the Nordost Red Dawn do you? Nah. That ain't no giant. Hey, it works in your system. That's all that matters. peace, warren