Excellent SACD quality "A Love Supreme" Coltrane

I'm on a mission, I'm looking for a high quality download of John Coltrane's " a Love Supreme" album. I have the '86 MCA/Impulse reissue and it's painful to listen to on a good system. I love this album, it transformed me into loving jazz and I haven't looked back but I rarely play this album due to it being so fatiguing.

Does anyone know if there has recently been a much improved high quality version?

Sadly I don't use vinyl but hoping I can find a downloadable SACD-audio quality music file of this album. I've looked everywhere and any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Thanks
I believe APO has a SACD hybrid in the works. Go to the Acoustic Sounds website.

The 2003 Impulse version (B0000610-02) is vastly superior to the '86 version you own. According to the liner notes, this version was mastered by Rudy Van Gelder, from a copy different than "all previous digital incarnations of A Love Supreme." Also from the liner notes: "...Rudy Van Gelder declared it to be as close to the real thing as one could get in the analog domain without having the original tape..."

I haven't heard any subsequent releases (SACD or otherwise) because I'm happy enough with this version.
Thanks Nico,

I'll check it out.

I'm starting to realize that it's quite difficult to get SACD quality/cd's onto your hardrive.