EVS Millenium Owners

I Would be interrested in hearing what some of you are using as a transport with this DAC, the MK II version, and what you have compared your current setup to. Would you go this route again or would you go for a single box player? Interest being in Redbook CD quality. Thanks for your time.


Showing 2 responses by audiotomb

I own an EVS Millenium II and until recently was running a CAL Icon as the transport. I bought a Teac vs-10 here on audiogon(it's a Wadia transport) and couldn't be happier.
I wanted to make sure I wasn't missing anything on the transport end.

I can understand where some would get cold feet or feel their unit is now outdated knowing that Ric is no longer making the Dac. Not me, I will hold on to mine as a cherished jewel. I understand Ric's wanting the purist sound, but feel he really is doing himself a disservice discontinuing this unit. THere is still a high need for stand alone dacs.

I have a toshiba 4700 DVD/DVD-A player I'd love an EVS dac upgrade in. It doesn't play SACD but then again it was only $300.

Has anyone heard the low end AudioAero to compare to the EVS? What about the Capitol? worth $6000


Yes Sean tipped me off to a nice transport, thanks again

I am very happy with my EVS

I had sent a note to Ric asking if he would do a DAC modification to Toshiba DVD players as they are inexpensive yet have great picture quality (haven't heard back)

The one thing I would have liked that Ric refused to consider was to get balanced outputs on the Millenium. This would have required twice the output circuitry to do "correctly" and Ric didn't see a market for it
(a lot of work to handle a few customers)

Has anyone compared the Millenium with the Audio Aero?

I'm quite happy with my $1600 setup and will continue to enjoy it for a long long time
