Every day I see another turntable recommendation...

After digging into this topic, I am convinced now I need to go a bit higher on this first vinyl set up. I think all in, I am prepared at this point to go up to $5k, for the table alone, not including arm or cartridge.

But frankly, being on this forum is like drinking from an information firehose. I have learned a bunch and yet somehow, I am less convicted than before.

With that in mind, to narrow down the decision, I am want to restrict myself to things I can buy, hear and, if necessary, service locally. My local dealers stock, AMG, AVM, Basis, Clearaudio, Michell, Musichall, Pro-ject, Rega, VPI, so I am likely restricted to those brands. I am certain my view will change by the end of this thread.


Showing 6 responses by saulh

Thanks to everyone here for all of the generous advice. I always learn so much from this community!

Coming around to spending more on a phono stage and maybe a bit less on a tt. Was thinking this was a place to be cheap, but the logic of many of the posters is irrefutable. With that in mind, intrigued by this: https://www.ebay.com/itm/203527281169

@frozentundra, obviously I am just learning about this so take all of what follows with a chunk of salt and ymmv. For me, though I think every link in the chain is important, I think the phono stages dictate the signal that gets through to the pre/power and can exist in my system for many years, so I made that my priority. Cartridge is also hugely important and I think quality can have a big impact for relatively little cost so it is not imo where you want to cut corners, but is more temporary, so its impact on my system will be less imho. Turntable is important too, but my current impression is that there are a lot of similar quality options close in price in the range where I am looking and big improvements come at huge cost. I am less focused on tonearms for better or worse. Anyway, in line with my priority, I saw what looked like a good deal on an Icon Audio PS1 MKii, so I took it. Now I am looking at turntables, mostly focusing on what I can hear at local dealers who are willing to plug my phono stage into the system. So far, I have heard the Clearaudio Concept and Performance DC as well as the Rega P3 and the Project Xtension 10. At this point, I am leaning toward the Performance DC, but tbh, I was coming here today to ask the question: is the $2k price difference between the two Clearaudio models worth it? I could get a decent streamer for that money...