Every day I see another turntable recommendation...

After digging into this topic, I am convinced now I need to go a bit higher on this first vinyl set up. I think all in, I am prepared at this point to go up to $5k, for the table alone, not including arm or cartridge.

But frankly, being on this forum is like drinking from an information firehose. I have learned a bunch and yet somehow, I am less convicted than before.

With that in mind, to narrow down the decision, I am want to restrict myself to things I can buy, hear and, if necessary, service locally. My local dealers stock, AMG, AVM, Basis, Clearaudio, Michell, Musichall, Pro-ject, Rega, VPI, so I am likely restricted to those brands. I am certain my view will change by the end of this thread.


Showing 3 responses by cd318

Planar 8 or 10.

At the very least you'll have something that can pass for a work of art.


I know it's not on your radar but maybe you should also include the Technics decks for consideration?

It's seems as if the audiophilliac himself, Steve Guttenberg, has finally seen the light shining from the East.



I agree with what you're saying generally across the board.

I have little doubt that a Planar 3 is considerably superior to my Rega 3 from the mid 80s. Nor that there are some fabulous designs around the $1k mark these days.

I guess it's hardly surprising when you consider the amount of competition that is out there today plus the fact that sound quality seems to be far more of a priority these days as compared to convenience. The advances in design technology and engineering, of course, aren't going to hurt either, are they?


However, what happens if we were to compare a Technics SP10 from 1971 with its modern day equivalent?

Or, going back even further, a carefully restored AR turntable with a similar design from today?

I can't help but wish, for the sake of perspective if nothing else, that there were far more 'real world' comparisons such as this.