I replaced a RPi 4B running PcP, Schiit Bifrost DAC (fully upgraded) and a Audio Research LS3 Preamp with the A8. Have had the A8 in my system a week. So far I like it.
SQ pros - better instrument separation, very smooth presentation
SQ potential cons - The soundstage may be a little flatter, the presentation is less mid-bass forward (I increased my sub gain a few notches and all seems right)
I have the RCA unbalanced out parallel split each channel has one RCA cable straight to the subs input and the other through a passive line level high pass filter to my main amp input (this rolls off the bass to the main speakers). The A8 output is lower than the Audio Research preamp so volumes that were at 12 o'clock with the Audio Reseach are at -5 db with the A8.
The system is much more user friendly streaming Tidal and playing tracks off my SSD hard drive. Tidal Connect functionality is great and I have volumes remote from my IPad and the A8's remote control.
I need some more time to experiment and swap my Maggies back in to know how it will all work out. Having lots of fun.