Eversolo dmp A6 vs Master edition vs Z8

Has anyone heard all 3 ? What are your thoughts? 
giong into a Chronus Magnum 2 with Falcon q7 and potential lrs+.

Thank you for your thoughts.



Showing 4 responses by jjss49

isn't this proof that too many choices and permutations around gear causes uncertainty and attendant anxiety?  i have the master edition, and enjoy it...  


i agree with you pretty much, except to say that a superior clock in the streamer can help some downstream dacs sonically ... this depends on connectivity scheme to chosen dac...


@soix @brianportugal et al

i am currently on a summer vacation in spain, will be gone for another week, so i won’t really have proper answers on the streamer comparisons for probably another several weeks ... sorry about that not being any sooner

i ordered the eversolo master unit from summit several weeks back and it arrived just a couple days before we left for our trip (i wasn’t going to order both the plain jane and the master version, so i just picked the master with the purported better clocking and ic output stage)

before i left for the trip i played it using my usual cleansed lan feed using its internal ess sabre dac output first, and what i heard was predictably that very well known clean clear crisp spacious rhythmic sound signature that that chipset is well known for when coupled to a good ss output stage

i will compare the streamer output(s) against the others i have in house in due course, but as you know, to do that properly, using the various digital outputs into various dacs, will take some time to cover the many permutations - one that i quickly did was compare its rca spdif out against my well-used ifi zenstream with 12v lps, both feeding the same musical fidelity trivista dac using roon, i could not hear any difference

i only bought the master edition, still playing with it, early impressions are it is excellent

perhaps i will pick up a basic model later

for now i am comparing to other front ends like the optical rendu, zenstream, innuos zen