Evaluating Classical Music Albums

How do you evaluate classical music albums? 
First, what do you look for when you’re deciding which album to stream or buy? Is the conductor/orchestra more important, or is the record label? How important is the date of the recording?
Second, what do you listen for in an album that you already have to determine the quality of the recording? This can obviously be divided further into the musical quality and the sonic quality of the recording. What factors are important in evaluating these qualities?

Thanks for the advice. 

Showing 2 responses by frogman

We shouldn’t confuse recordings of concerts with recordings made in halls where concerts are held. While it is true that most orchestral recordings are not made in studios, most orchestral recordings are not of actual concerts. There are few recording studios that can accommodate an entire orchestra in a way that does justice to the music; for practical as well as sonic reasons.

rcprince is exactly right. Practically no orchestral recordings are made in actual recording studios; that was the main point of my comment. My personal experience is certainly not the final word, but I would also say that of the recordings that I have been a part of, maybe a third have been of actual concerts.