Eurolab Premier TT and Phonomax Phono Stage???

The review of the Eurolab Premier TT with the Morch DP-6 arm in TAS has peaked my interest. Anyone have this set-up or have heard this set-up and can comment on it and/or compare it with others?

Also has anyone heard the Phonomax phono stage? Comments and comparisons?

I'm preparing to make the jump into analog, but I must look before I leap.

My system consists of:
Plinius SA250 MKIV amp
Audio Research Ref 2 preamp
NBS Monitor I XLR IC's
Dynaudio Contour 3.3 speakers
FIM Gold Speaker cable
Hardwood floors (suspended)

Your input and suggestions are always appreciated.


Showing 1 response by sws2

I have a phonomax and am very happy with it. I owned a black cube in the past and their is just no comparison. The phonomax sounds like tubes but the low end is tight and natural. It is best used with cartridges .5mv and over though.