Etiquite Regarding Response Times to Offers

I wonder if sellers realize that when someone makes an offer to them, if they wait the entire 48 hours to reply (or some significant portion thereof), they are holding up the buyer from using their resources elsewhere. I find that quite annoying. Either reply yes/no or counter, but don't hold a person up!

The 48-hour lock on agon creates a disincentive for a seller to make a counter offer too. If you make a counter, you have to wait 48 hours for a response by the potential buyer, therefore precluding you from taking other deals. The 48-hour "lock" is troublesome in more than one way. Agree?

Showing 1 response by timrhu

I recently sold an amp here. It was my first sale with the new Audiogon system and it was a goat rope. I think about half of the questions and offers went to my email like they are supposed to. The other half were listed in my Agon inbox. I tried to accept 2 of the offers but they either never got the message or backed out.
I will say though, the amp sold within 2 days. As apposed to languishing for 2 weeks on a couple other sites. Sill the best place to sell if you want quick results.