Ethernet Switch- what's the point?

I run an Ethernet cable between my router (standard issue from Verizon) and my streaming transport. I note that some use an ethernet switch between between the router and streamer. Assuming I got that right, what is the point- what does a good switch do? I've been into audio since the 70's but when its comes to streaming, I'm definitely a newbie- 

Thanks all!


Showing 4 responses by jjss49

just like teachers, professors, friends, colleagues, politicians and so on, that we have all been subject to in our travels...

there is a person’s message or point, then, there is how they choose to deliver it

so many examples of horrendous, unpalatable styles of delivery chosen that totally turn off potential listeners, such that whatever merit the substance of the message may be becomes entirely moot

no one wants to be subjected to a heavy handed, argumentative, defensive blowhard

ladies and gents, why are we entertaining this unpleasant and useless banter?  

$1,349.00 for a LHY SW-10 is a hell of lot to spend on something that might not make much or any improvement. We’d probably all go broke it we adopted the recommendation to try for ourselves.

the sw8 and the english electric unit are under $600 msrp, less on used sites when they appear, etherregens regularly trade for $500, and so on...

like anything else, if you care enough you will figure out how to try something to see if it makes a difference

and then, there are certainly money-smart and money-stupid ways to try things...

high end hifi is a pursuit that does require money, time, effort and know-how to achieve a high level of performance

Ethernet Switch- what’s the point?

the point is that it may improve your sound...

but everyone should try for themselves and see... no point arguing here or trusting/mistrusting what others say

i have been very happy with the sw8 as well as others before it...