Ethernet Switch Recommendations Please

Hi - I am currently using a Melco S100 switch and considering upgrading. I had an Ansuz D2 before the Melco and thought it was a fantastic switch, but ended up selling it when I moved. Any first hand experience and recommendations would be appreciated. Thanks, Todd


I’ve been using the Ediscreation Silent Switch OCXO Extreme for several years and like it very much.  Edison is very helpful too.  I haven’t tried other ones tbh.

In part, I think it depends on where you are trying to take your system.  I have an EtherRegen and Ansuz X-TC on hand and have demoed the SoTM (with reclocker) in my system.  The Ansuz makes the biggest difference and suspect your best option is to go back to the D3

I agree that the best move is to go back to Ansuz. Earlier this year Ansuz updated their Powerswitch lines to the 3 series-generation , so the D3 available now is better than the D2. I have the Ansuz A3 and am very happy with it. Ansuz switches (and several other components from Audio Group Denmark) work best used with Ansuz Darkz resonance control footers. The Darkz footers are expensive, but an Ansuz A3 switch with Darkz C2t footers has a combined lower MSRP than the Ansuz D3. The Ansuz X-TC3 and A3 Powerswitches are both cheaper than the D3;  both ought to be worth consideration along with the D3.