Ethernet Filters

Simple questions I hope.

  1. Can you run ethernet filters in series?
  2. If so, I suspect there are those that have tried it and to what effect?

I’m assuming that you are not talking about ka-Ching MELCO AUDIO external box type filters that would be cost prohibitive , and without prejudice that I’ve never seen or even heard about doubling these up.

OK …. the cost effective iFi Ethernet LAN iSILENCER filters option may work in your system. The degree of the audio performance improvement if is a function of

(a) the resolution capabilities of your hi-end audio system components as a system first;

in tension with,

(b) the quality-build component makeup of the LAN makeup itself (…think hi-end quality build Ag-over- Cu well shielded cables with TELEGARTNER connectors, a hi-end network switch with a quality build an external linear power supply for it: and the warts introduced of the network modem itself)

Watch this YouTube video about the iFi LAN iSILENCER network filters. He’s the dude to ask if putting one at each end of the LAN Ethernet cable would be of added benefit (if any..)

I have one (1) inserted in my LAN ….but not multiples. I put more emphasis on the the LAN upgrades listed above. it plugs in at the end of the Ethernet cable at the network player/ streamer/ dac. I tried it as the first thingy out of the modem … no audible difference .


- the iFi LAN iSILENCER filter added performance uptick in MY system (emphasis added ) was comparatively an ethereal or very minimal added one, that was dwarfed by the audio improvements of the other LAN system component upgrades themselves .

- Your results may differ. Comparatively, they don’t drain your wallet so …so….WTF …go experiment yourself.

- A friend tried it on a modest budget Wiim  streamer rig without all the LAN upgrades above ….. Hmmm … nada for me and an ethereal “ mimimal …maybe?” for him.. FWIW.

Thanks @akg_ca for your response, much appreciated.

I have the ifi iSilencer and am about to try a Track Audio Smoothlan.

Question on network switches, my streamer is plugged into a network extender, so although I would only plug the network switch into the network extender and only have streamer running from the network switch, would there still be a benefit in having a network switch in chain?

Correction to above - network extender to network switch to lan silencer to streamer.

I own most of what has been mentioned. But this is the BEST Ethernet filter that I have ever tried!

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