Ethernet connection for best sound quality

As far as I'm aware of for streaming audio with tidal hi fi plus ethernet. I need; besides modem and router.

1) A Streamer

2) A ethernet card specifically for audio jcat or matrix if I use my computer

3) Shielded ethernet cat 5 or better cable

So from wall to modem to router to streamer to dac, correct?






Showing 1 response by daveteauk


I read every post in this,,, discussion, and when I finally got to the end was about to just close the tab/page, when I read your last post! What a time waster I thought. All this BS when you're listening to music saved from streaming from YOUTUBE!!! You can't be serious maaan?!?!! Through TWO routers no less!!! Then you come out with the rediculous statement that the ONLY complaint you have is about the dynamics, presumably NONE?! What a surprise - NOT!

My take on this - I started streaming with my home built super duper super fast PC, and was gobsmacked at the SQ improvement when I got it out of the music chain completely.

Don't use a switch, don't use ethernet cablles, or LPS's, as you don't need them, at all. Just buy a streamer with a USB input and copy your music files to it - a saving of $$$k and get better SQ without going through that other non essential stuff. No LPS's required either. Out of your streamer (mine is a Cambridge Audio 851N) to either a DAC 1st or straight into your amp or pre-amp. Done. The CA phone interface is superb too.