When using ethernet for hooking up streaming devices and dacs, what cat level of  ethernet cable should be used. Is there any sonic improvement by going to a  higher dollar cat 7 or 8 cable?


Showing 3 responses by thyname

@cleeds :

Measurementalists enjoy no immunity to confirmation bias;

I disagree. Since the human and emotional factor is removed from the equation & decision making process (i.e. listening experience), then there is nothing to worry about. You would just look at the measurements, and go by what they say. Computers. What you hear does not matter, as what you hear is really what you want to hear anyways. It’s all in your mind. Just go by measurements. And you don’t have to do them yourself, use those available in the science internet. By removing the emotional aspect on your decision on audio, you have also eliminated the confirmation bias as well.

This makes the whole process of buying audio equipment and building very easy and time efficient. No need to spend years and decades to figure out what you like and enjoy (again, you hear what you want to hear, hearing means nothing). No need to spend money on tickets to audio shows, no need to visit audio stores. No need to waste time meeting audio friends and going to their house. None of that useless time consuming stuff. You just spend a few days reading stuff on science audio sites, and boom! you have yourself a system. With no confirmation bias whatsoever. No need to question how it sounds: because it measures great, it definitely sounds the best. Again, no confirmation bias, and not relying on such unreliable / archaic tools like your ears. And you save a lot of money, as the best measuring gear (therefore, best sounding) is typically very cheap.

@fredrik222 : Copper Ethernet connections can be affected by jitter, phase noise, and leakage current. Meaning those can "travel" through copper and reach your DAC or streamer, and potentially impact them. At least in theory (of course, you don’t have to try it). For more technical explanation, you can read this (too many words, I know :-):