Esoteric . . . your thoughts please

Does anyone have any experience with the Esoteric P-05/D-05 combination?

I was also wondering about others' experience with different Esoteric products. I am considering trading a McIntosh Mcd301 for an Esoteric unit, in an effort to obtain better build quality and superior sound reproduction. Any insights would be appreciated. I am aware that Esoteric has a newly released D-07, which has more digital inputs than the D-05. Eventually, I want to include a computer server into my two channel system. But my primary interest is in having the best sounding two channel system playing cds. The P-05/D-05 combination is priced at the maximum dollar amount I would be willing to spend.

Thanks for your thoughts.

Showing 1 response by classicjazz

I would consider the D-05 as the better half of the combo insofar as the processing is done in the D-05 and it can upsample on its own, something which even the D03 or D01 cannot do. I've owned the X01, UX1, P03, D03 and D05 and may soon have the X01D2 if I pursue the D2 upgrade for my X01. The D05 has a certain fineness in sonic presentation, the transients are slightly softened compared to the other Esoteric gear (with the differences being greater as against the PCM1704 DAC based units than the AD1955 D03). It is however, wonderful to listen to and I think a step in build quality from the McIntosh.