Esoteric X-01 D2

Hoping for some more information on this player in terms of strengths, weaknesses, likes or dislikes. Of course, associated equipment would be appreciated with those preferences.

Have great day all,

Showing 3 responses by guidocorona

I am surprised that external clocks are making a difference on the single box D2. While I concur that on P03/D03 the G-0S clock is having a very significant positive impact, I have never heard a more than imperceptible effect on X-01 Limited. I had reached the conclusion that external clocking addresses problems on multibox solutions, but has little impact on single box players. I may however been rash in this hypothesis.
"To hear is to believe!!!"
I agree Vsfang; I will believe only when I hear a difference on D2 with my own ears. I heard the G0S with X-01 Limited several times on two systems and it made no difference. yet, as I also said. . . big difference on P03/D03 combo instead.
Thank you Vsfang for your words of encouragement. Unfortunately I do not own the exalted X-03, but only a lowly X-01 Limited, which is mayhaps not good enough to take significant advantage of external clocks of any kind.
Furthermore, very much heeding your advice, I believe only that which I can hear, and therefore tend to restrict the usage of my meager funds for such components that--in my admittedly modest musical experience--have a chance of benefitting my humble and ill-cobbled-together system the most.